Stronger as a parent


Delivery of intervention: Group-based

Aim of intervention: The intervention aims to strengthen positive interaction between parent and child, and parenting in everyday situations.

Description of intervention: Stronger as a parent is a group-based early intervention for parents of 3–9 year-old children. The intervention is based on the modern attachment theory (Schore & Schore 2008) and the intervention strengthens the parent’s reflexive ability and positive perception of one’s own child. Stronger as a parent –group is not suited for parents, who are in an acute crisis related to their life situation. Peer groups gather eight times in group meetings to discuss and do exercises. Peer group instructor can use the instructor manual.

Availability of intervention in Finland: Training for a Stronger as a parent –instructor is an additional training for social and health care professionals. The training is organized in Jyväksylä, but one can conduct peer groups by using the instructor manual even without the training. Intervention is based on a Finnish model of a coaching program, which targeted at parents of hyperactive children (Tasola & Lajunen 1997) and Stronger as a parent -manual (Korhonen & Holopainen 2015).

Intervention has been utilized in social and health care and in child and family services as an early intervention. Stronger as a parent groups have been organized in middle Finland.

Research- and evidence-based efficacy of intervention: There is neither peer reviewed Finnish research nor research-based evidence of effectiveness of the intervention.


  • Korhonen, S. & Holopainen, L. (2015). Vanhempana vahvemmaksi – kohti myönteistä vuorovaikutusta. Kirja vanhemmuudesta ja sen tukemisesta. Jyväskylä: Grano Oy.
  • Schore, J. R. & Schore, A. N. (2008). Modern attachment theory: The central role of affect regulation in development and treatment. Clinical Social Work Journal, 36(1), 9–20.
  • Tasola, S. & Lajunen, K. (1997). Käsikirja ”Vanhempana vahvemmaksi – ylivilkkaiden ja keskittymättömien lasten vanhemmille tarkoitettu valmennusohjelma”. Uusittu painos. Jyväskylä: Kopijyvä Oy.